Friday, June 25, 2010

Oh for crying out loud!

Today has been a very interesting day!! As some people know if with small children can be entertaining, trying, fun, weird, exciting and stressful! Well today has been just about all of the before mentioned rolled into one!

It all started with my 3 year old beating his younger brother with plastic blue table leg, which I can tell you is rather normal around here! It may be the first time that a table leg has been used as the weapon however everything from pillows to flashlights are used on an almost daily basis!

As I am texting my husband to tell him of the newly obtained weapon my 7 year old comes racing up to me " Momma, Jacob is outside and he is NAKED!" GREAT!!! My son has escaped the house yet again but this time butt naked! I can not keep close on this kid to save my life I swear!!! Diapers come off and underwear come off! If he wants to be free and flapping in the wind by golly he is going to do it!

I don't know about you guys but around lunch time is when every thing seems to come to a calm ...... well that's because it's the calm before the freaking Storm! Anyway, lunch is always a easy time for us. No big surprises or escapees, just some hungry monkeys! Then it's nap time! WOOOHOOOO!!!!!! A mothers favorite time of day! It would remain my favorite time of the day if my other little guy would actually take a decent nap!! My 18 month old has begun the not so welcome stage of "NO NAP"! Just when I get to settle down on my kester and read BAM he's up and waking everyone else with him! Today was no exception, half and hour into nap time I hear him in there making nose. Then he starts banging on things! 10 minutes later they are both up and waking up the baby along with them! BLAH

Sadly the shortend nap cause my son to be awake when his sister left to go to the beach with Grandma for 5 days. Needless to say he was not a happy camper about that one! He doesn't like it when any one leaves, the worst is when daddy leaves for work! Once he ran beside the van screaming at my husband " DADDY"! My husband had to stop the van and carry the screaming and kicking child back to the house. The screaming and kicking didn't stop once inside the house either! It continued on for quite some time! Thankfully today was not that bad! He got upset and then the TV caught his eye..... end of story!

See like I said lunch is the calm before the storm after the slightly angry Jacob calmed down things got crazy!! One of my boys, I cant say which one cause I just don't know, some how took the wires out of the back of one of my speakers to the TV! No sound! I have no clue how to fix that!! Sadly my boys watched spongebob with out sound for about 30 minutes! I didn't think that would even work!! I guess if it's spongebob though...

After some crazy couch jumping and chair climbing and tracking down escapees it's time to make dinner!! I was going to make sausage and rice, which required sausage, onion and rice. Sausage.... check, onion.....every one was BAD, rice...... ALL OUT!!! No fear mommy put her brain to work and found some rice a roni and make the cheesy kind and put the sausage in that!! BAM! Dinner was made! All the mean while my boys were tearing it up! When the cats distracted the mouse will play.... right? HAHA.

Well I had couch cushons strown every where, chairs pushed all over the dinning room, sodas off the shelfs and laying on the floor ( those I can promise you probably came close to some tiny little feet!), laudnry scatard all over the floor! What a freaking mess! This is when it dawns on me that my 7 year does so much to help me during the day! UGH come back already!! No really she deserves to go to the beach but anyway.

My 3 year old, good lord, getting him to eat dinner some times is like pulling the teeth of an aligator, I swear! First he wasn't gonna eat, then he just ate his sausage, then he wanted more..... omg already just eat! My little heffer of a 18 month old ..... no really his a chunker.... ate all his dinner and had seconds before my 3 year old even finished his first bowl!!

Let me tell you though my chunky monkey is a MESSY eater! He had rice in his hair, I felt like a damn monkey picking lice out of his head trying to get all the rice out of his hair! Not only his hair had mass quanities of rice but it was stuck to every inch of his body that rice could stick too! Bathtime here we come!!!

Words of wisdome....If you have 2 small boys you are giving a bath lay down a carpet of towles covering your bathroom floor and close the curtian on the outside of the tub that way they dont rip it off the rod! Those 2 could have washed my whole bathroom with the amount of water they were splashing and thrashing all over the place! No sooner hthan I stuck my son Stephen (18month old) in the bath he started kicking his legs and splashing with his hands and water went all down the front of me! Jacob then decided that it would be a rocking cool idea to stand up and jump, landing on his rear end!! Water went EVERYWHERE!! My walls were dripping in it, my floor was like a small wading pool! I hurried and go the towels and closed the curtian, lucky me I did it in time! As soon as that curtian closed Stephen must have thought Jacob looked totally cool doing that and started to water bomb the bathroom right along with his brohter!! Fun times, my friends, fun times!!!

Diapers on and hair dried the house turns into a zoo!!!!! One of the boys is jumping from the end table over the arm of the couch and landing on it close to the other arm! The other one is standing on the coffee table walking from one side of it to the other. UGH is it bed time yet!!! All the mean while my little ladybug has woken up and is ready to eat!!

Now I know if I feed her before I put the boys to bed this house will be more upside down then it is now!! So hold her off for a minute and put the boys to bed! OH NO!!!! A blanket is missing!! I search EVERY WHERE for this blanket. Upstairs and down! Every room and even outside and I cant find it!! Stephen wont sleep good if he doesnt have his blanket! What to do, What to do!! I grab a blanket out of the closet and it's just gonna have to work cause the baby needs to eat! I turn to walk out of the room and low and behold the blanket is behind the door! It's behind there so good that you really cant tall unless you look straight at the door! CRISIS AVOIDED!! YES!!

Most nights the boys will be in their bedroom playing around but tonight, thankfully, they went down easy! Little princess has been feed and laid down as well..... you would think that would be the end of a very long day but dont forget there is a HUGE mess that still needs to be taken care of!